Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Always relevant repost:

 Che Guevara has continued to hold sway over the ideals of the brat class. The Authoritarian Left has milked that famous photo of the useless demogogue to the point where some people actually think he stood for something beyond his own reckless will to power. Here's some reasons to not like Che.

Top Ten (actually 14) Reasons To Not Like Che:

14. Administered summary trials and executions.

13. Always looked stoned.

12. Didn't hold a steady job.

11. Oliver Stone is a "friend of a friend."

10. Always acted like he was cool or something.

9. Promoted peace by wearing army fatigues.

8. In an ancient forgotten tongue his name means, "That dumb guy in the funny hat."

7. Real men don't write diaries -- on a motorcycle or otherwise.

6. Typical pampered socialist spoiled brat.

5. Colonel Sander's image on a t-shirt makes one more approachable. 

4. Hair style looks cool on faded t-shirt but in real life was simply unwashed.

3. Admired by vapid, rich Hollywood Communists.

2. His best pal, Fidel, keeps winning elections by not allowing other candidates, and...

The #1 reason to not like Che is......(lets get to the point):

He was ruthless egomaniac socialist demagogue!

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